
Car simulator - Simulate a car on web

Car simulator Starting screen After opening all doors Simulator with layout page A GUI for simulating a car on web Current features...

Robowars - A simple react and redux app

Robofriends is a simple app, made to demonstrate the principles of react. It uses a powerfull state management library redux. the site is live at Quick starters ...

Kubex - A CLI tool for k8s project management

kubex An interactive k8s CLI interface IDEAS A project dependent cli tool, so idea is something like:- 1 2 kubex load <project> kubex unload <project> where project is...

JINS-MEME EOG Data analysis

Flask_App - A schedular application

Deep learning with keras

Bookstore - Golang based scalable API's

This project consists of 3 standalone API’s and 2 shared libraries all written in golang:1.14. The API’s are users-api, oauth-api, items-api The shared libraries are oauth-client, utils It explores...